ESG-UP online training platform

ESG-UP is an EU funded project addressing the training and knowledge gaps of SMEs in sustainability practices to become more competitive and resilient. The project focuses on sustainable business operations as a result of integrating ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) objectives and measurements.


ESG-UP is an EU funded project addressing the training and knowledge gaps of SMEs in sustainability practices to become more competitive and resilient. The project focuses on sustainable business operations as a result of integrating ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) objectives and measurements.

Training package - Results – ESG-UP

The free-to-access training package incorporates guidelines for sustainability, with activities that one can put into practice for developing the most needed skills identified.

Collaboration and peer learning, is an online meeting space for building new connections for the development of more inclusive and integral sustainable plans to be applied internally and externally within an SME.

Training contents include:

  • Sustainable paradigm
  • Introduction to the Circular Economy
  • Circularity in industrial businesses
  • Circularity applied to service companies
  • Standard and certification systems
  • Sustainable innovation
  • Sustainable management and governance
  • Sustainable finances
  • Social skills
  • Marketing and commercialisation of sustainable ideas

Sustainable business practices and self-assessment tool.

The interactive online tool will include examples of sustainability and guidance for their implementation in the businesses. With a self-assessment tool to rate your company sustainability performance.



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